After the corruption scandal surrounding the state of the Malaysian investment Fund 1MDB, the luxury yacht “Equanimity” to the auction. This was announced by Malaysian government employees.

The 91,5-metre-long mega yacht is just one of the many luxury goods that will be purchased with misappropriated funds from the Fund. In total, diverted from the Fund for the promotion of the economy by government representatives of more than 4.5 billion dollars and, among other things, for Picasso-paintings, jewelry, and real estate output.

The former head of government Najib Razak had launched the Fund in 2009, and later, around 700 million dollars had been on account of his discovered. After Malaysian courts had already collected at the beginning of July, the charges against Razak, the state now apparently, in order to Retrobet make the illegally purchased luxury goods, to return the money.

The “Equanimity” is said to have been bought by a Malaysian Investor, since the scandal on the run. A few months ago the ship had been seized prior to the Indonesian island of Bali. The luxury yacht should not be lower than the estimated value of approximately $ 250 million in an auction, said a government lawyer.


The “Equanimity” according to information of with the auction responsible for brokerage company with numerous amenities. This includes beds for 22 guests, a swimming pool as well as Fitness and massage rooms with Sauna. Future owners and guests in time of stress are likely to welcome, in particular to be a Extra on the top Deck there is a helicopter place to land.

note: In an earlier version of the text said that Malaysia is an island country. We have corrected this error.

government Gazette/Reuters