
The Undertaker recently shared his thoughts on AEW during a podcast, expressing his doubts about the company’s ability to compete with WWE. He mentioned that competition is essential for the wrestling industry to thrive but questioned if AEW has the leadership and management in place to truly challenge WWE.

Undertaker pointed out the importance of having a strong leader in the locker room, which he believes AEW may be lacking. He specifically mentioned Tony Khan, the founder of AEW, and expressed uncertainty about his capabilities to run a wrestling company effectively against WWE.

While acknowledging Khan’s good intentions, Undertaker raised concerns about his experience and expertise in the wrestling business. He emphasized the need for AEW to get their act together in order to provide genuine competition that benefits everyone involved, including wrestlers and fans.

In addition to discussing AEW, Undertaker also touched upon WWE’s recent partnership with TNA Wrestling. He highlighted how this collaboration can help develop new talent and ultimately benefit the industry as a whole. By nurturing talent in organizations like TNA, WWE can bring in fresh faces to enhance their roster.

Undertaker’s insights shed light on the importance of competition and strong leadership in the wrestling world. While he may have reservations about AEW’s current state, he remains hopeful that they will improve and offer meaningful competition in the future.

For more details and the full podcast episode, you can visit Undertaker’s Patreon page. Stay tuned for further updates in the world of wrestling as developments unfold.