
White Dee, known as Deirdre Kelly in real life, gained fame after appearing on the reality TV show Benefits Street in 2014. Her time on the show shed light on the lives of residents on James Turner Street in Birmingham’s Winson Green area. However, her life took an unexpected turn after she participated in Celebrity Big Brother.

During an interview on This Morning, White Dee revealed that she was forced to move from James Turner Street due to safety concerns following her Celebrity Big Brother appearance. The sudden surge in her public profile and the safety of her children were the main reasons behind her decision to relocate. She expressed how the intrusive nature of sudden fame affected her children, who were not used to strangers approaching them.

Despite the challenges she faced, White Dee turned her focus towards helping others in need. She launched a campaign to support those facing hardships and established a food bank and community hub to provide assistance to those in need. Her charitable work was motivated by her personal values and upbringing, emphasizing the importance of helping those in tough situations without judgment.

White Dee’s efforts to support the community began with delivering food parcels during the Covid pandemic and eventually led to the opening of the community space in October 2023. She emphasized the importance of creating a welcoming environment where people can access the supplies and help they need without feeling judged.

Through her actions, White Dee exemplifies the idea that no one is better than anyone else, and we have all faced challenges in our lives. Her commitment to helping those in need showcases her dedication to making a positive impact on the lives of others, despite the personal challenges she has faced due to her reality TV fame.