
A new documentary titled “Lover of Men: The Untold History of Abraham Lincoln” has caused a stir by exploring the possibility of Abraham Lincoln having romantic relationships with men. The film, directed by Shaun Peterson, includes interviews with historians from prestigious universities like Harvard, Columbia, Brown, Wellesley, and Rutgers.

The documentary sheds light on Lincoln’s private life and delves into the history of human sexual fluidity, challenging the audience to reconsider their views on sexuality. According to one expert in the film, Lincoln may have shared a bed with more men than women, highlighting a lesser-known aspect of the celebrated president’s life.

In addition to the documentary, Abraham Lincoln is also making waves in pop culture with the new Broadway show “Oh, Mary!” where comedic actor Cole Escola portrays Mary Todd Lincoln. The play, described as the funniest and gayest show on Broadway in years, follows the events leading up to Lincoln’s assassination.

Escola’s portrayal of Mary Todd Lincoln as a raging alcoholic and frustrated housewife dreaming of becoming a cabaret star adds a unique twist to the historical narrative. The show also depicts Lincoln engaging in a questionable relationship with a young soldier named Simon, further fueling discussions about Lincoln’s personal life.

The combination of the documentary and the Broadway show is sparking conversations about Abraham Lincoln’s legacy and challenging traditional views of historical figures. By exploring Lincoln’s relationships with men and presenting alternative perspectives on his private life, these projects invite audiences to reflect on the complexities of human sexuality and historical interpretation.