on Monday, the Flemish public broadcasting companies due to a strike of the personnel, their programming, must be adapted accordingly. Current affairs programmes of the flemish Broadcasting company Canvas, came out to protest against the announced budget cuts and the removal of the VRT’s executive chairman, Paul Lembrechts not. Other programs were repeats being broadcast.

“The strike is the result of a few months, in which leaders such as Benjamin, It (for the minister on Media, ed. the staff of the VRT is completely ignored,” says director / producer Clem Robyns in The Future.

“As a new savings, even on top of all the cuts and non-indexation of the past ten years, the VRT, with 40 per cent less than what they deserve to do so.”

now, Lembrechts, it was a week before the strike and lay-offs. A secret report, would have significant criticisms of his performance as president of the belgian hold. “Lembrechts has no longer the credibility of the public broadcaster to continue, he said It in this respect.

“This resignation is no more than a game for a long time,” says Robyns, who is the driving force behind the platform for Everyone else (VRT). “In addition, it is less about the resignation itself, but the manner in which it happened.”