
Tonight’s episode of 7 Little Johnstons showcased the family’s preparations for Liz’s upcoming c-section and the celebration of Alex’s 18th birthday. The Johnstons gathered for an emergency family meeting to plan for the baby’s arrival, as Liz’s c-section was scheduled in two weeks. Trent and Amber delegated tasks to each family member to ensure a smooth transition in case Liz went into labor early.

During the trial run, the family faced some challenges as Jonah overslept, Brice forgot his keys and wallet, and Anna had to go back for her shoes. However, the second test run was successful as everyone remembered their roles in case of an emergency.

As the family prepared for Liz’s baby, they were also excited to celebrate Alex’s milestone birthday. He wanted a Top Gun-themed party, complete with red, white, and blue decorations. The family played the Celebrity Name game, where they had to guess the famous person taped to their heads. Anna’s clue about Will Smith slapping someone at the Oscars led to some fun and laughter.

The family shared fond memories of Alex, including videos of him sporting a mohawk and officially dating Allie. Alex also enjoyed a shopping trip for his birthday, buying lottery tickets and energy drinks to celebrate his newfound adulthood with friends.

Meanwhile, Liz and Brice worked on setting up the nursery for the baby, incorporating Brice’s personal items to create a special space for their daughter. They added a stuffed moose head to inspire Leighton to go hunting with her dad in the future.

Overall, the episode highlighted the Johnston family’s unity and love as they navigated both the excitement of Alex’s birthday and the anticipation of Liz’s upcoming delivery. Stay tuned for more heartwarming moments and family adventures in future episodes of 7 Little Johnstons.