
The Tony Awards ceremony went off without a hitch on Sunday night, but the red carpet leading up to the event was a different story. According to sources, the red carpet was described as chaotic and disorganized, with even A-list celebrities like Angelina Jolie left waiting in a long line in the heat. Attendees were left confused when the organizers abruptly shut down the red carpet early without explanation.

One incident that has been making headlines is when Tony winner Sarah Paulson was nearly body-checked by security in an aggressive manner. Witnesses described the scene as a “mosh pit” with a security guard blocking the path and yelling that the carpet was closed. Many felt that the security’s actions were unnecessary and rude.

Even Hollywood royalty like Angelina Jolie had to wait in line for an extended period, with sources reporting that she was able to move up only after actors Corey and Casey Cott graciously let her go ahead of them. The situation was so chaotic that some stars were not even able to make it onto the red carpet, causing frustration among attendees.

Inside the ceremony, there were further mishaps as the press was given a “nominees pack” with incorrect information, including misidentifying a best actress nominee. Additionally, several established members of the Broadway press were initially not invited to cover the event, causing further tension and confusion.

Despite the red carpet fiasco, the Tony Awards ceremony itself went smoothly, with attendees enjoying the celebrations late into the night at various venues. Sarah Paulson, who was involved in the security incident, was seen having a great time at the after-parties, carrying her award and seemingly unfazed by the earlier chaos.

Overall, while the red carpet chaos may have marred the beginning of the evening, it seems that the theater world was able to come together and enjoy the rest of the night’s festivities. Hopefully, lessons will be learned from this year’s mishaps to ensure a smoother and more organized red carpet experience for future Tony Awards ceremonies.