red carpet

This trip will take your breath away – twice

So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest expenses OTRØYA on Romsdalskysten (Dagbladet): the Uk has both the Besseggen, Trolltunga, Svolværgeita and Romsdalseggen....

Special wines – Vallée du Rhône : Cairanne finally believed !

From 2016, it is fact. Cairanne is entered in the court of the great, the classification level of the ultimate area, the...

Wreckage after plane crash found: Hazardous use – important question is Savior

The Berchtesgadener Land is crashed on Thursday in a small plane. Now the wreck was found. The use of the rescuer in...

New football boss in Germany: This man is soon to DFB President

The new DFB-President is elected at the end of September 2019. Fritz Keller is the chief of the SC Freiburg and apparently...

Missing man after marathon running found: father of 30-Year-old with alarming statements

Richard G. launched at Allgäu Panorama Marathon as a runner. The 30-Year-old came to the finish, then he was missing. Now, he...

Well-known mayor with Unmarrieddisplay caused a stir

The Kollnburger mayor Josefa Schmid (FDP) was last summer in the context of the BAMF-affair in the headlines. Now with a new...

Police carries dead man from Main

The police has recovered on Thursday evening of a dead man from the Main in Sommerhausen (Würzburg district). Sommerhausen -...

Shock for Kovac – the police at the training ground

At the Säbener Straße is attacked the coach of the FC Bayern of an Unknown. How he came to the training ground,...

Jailed Kremlin critic Navalny at the hospital – body doctor expresses sharp suspicion

The imprisoned Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny was taken to hospital. The reason an allergic reaction is. His Doctor has a different Theory....

Freak out in Therme Erding: Drunk refuses to go – then it is dangerous

In the Therme Erding is locked in place on Sunday evening, a visitor completely. The 26-Year-old had drunk apparently. Then it was...


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