income Taxes, deductions and allowances: we will have quite a bit of discussion. But what are they exactly and where did they come from? Your tax money is we’ll take one at a time, other fee, or tax is under the microscope. This time, the health care allowance.
in The past few months, there was a lot of negative attention to the Tax and customs administration, and in particular, to the charges. You should be able to say that this story started with this. This is the first supplement that has ever been devised, in order to later be followed by the other three perks for the citizens.
Meanwhile, received over 4.5 million households in the allowance, and the disbursements amounted last year to a total of 4.9 billion euros. Since 2015 is getting more and more households, the cost and the trend, according to a spokesman for the Dutch Tax authorities will only continue in the years to come. A runaway system is, in the opinion of Nicole Gubbels, professor of fiscal economics at the Tilburg university in the netherlands.
“It’s going to be a huge amount of money that is being pumped. Or is it ever intended that it many people in fees would be available? I do not think that the decision-makers, as this system has been invented to realize to what extent the allocation of the money to get it.”
the Right to this income, under $ 30,000
this saw the light of day, along with the new healthcare system in 2006. The fund was a part of in the past, and everyone was required to own health insurance. The allowance is there to help people with low incomes or a pension, to help you to get their insurance to pay for it.
This year, a single person with an annual income of under $ 30,000 are entitled to the fee; and for partners, it is the limit of a verzamelinkomen from 38.500€. Up to receive the citizens of around 100 euro allowance per month based on their income and family situation.
for a number of years, the charge is also switched according to load. You are not allowed to have more than 116.613 euros of funds for the services to be received, or 147.459 with a partner.
A large part of the negative media coverage surrounding charges in the last couple of years on the massive back of the money paid out. At a cut-off date in June 2018 was at the inland revenue, for a total of eur 1.4 billion in refunds, according to a report by the european Court of auditors.
the Smallest margin of error on this is
Compared to the three other charges similar to the margin of error will be the lowest in the health care allowance: the amount of reimbursement is, on average, 17 per cent of the nettomaandinkomen to this supplement, or 327 euro. The rental fee is for the recovery, on average, 43 per cent of the nettomaandinkomen: 658 euros.
this is the only charge in which the amount recovered does not grow. You might ask yourself if this is really a sign of success. Fees, less often, to recover from the citizens, it is a declared aim of the government, as a result of the toeslagenrommel in the last couple of years. The Court of auditors concluded in its report that it will only be successful when it comes to this.
now, What is this going to happen, and is closely tied to the fate of the whole of the toeslagenstelsel. More and more decision-makers want the system to be completely removed. Creation of has a voice that doesn’t necessarily mean you need.
Definitely room for improvement from this,
What’s this, there’s definitely room for improvement, says Bas Jacobs, a professor of economics and public finance at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the netherlands. He will find the proper people the whole of their allowance to lose 1 euro is a lot of power, or if they are a month and a little more money.
“This is not a design fault of the government. It will lead to a huge recovery, and people can’t tell whether or not they have the right to charge,” says Jacobs. He makes a case for progressive capital and income limits for the allowance. You can avoid that payouts will be unexpectedly terminated, or – even worse – are being recalled by the government.
One of the other frequently suggested improvements, the amounts will be based on the income of the previous year, rather than an estimate of the income level in the current year.
In december, the Second Chamber unanimously adopted a motion that this be in the trash can to drop, along with the other supplements. It is now up to the government to figure out whether, and if so, how this could happen.