It might not take hours of shopping to find the right Mother’s Day gift. Listen and read this survey and you will see that it is much simpler than that…

What if you were off the mark when looking for the perfect Mother’s Day gift for your own mom or girlfriend? No need to tear your hair out with expensive, unusual or hard-to-find gifts, according to a new study commissioned by American cookie maker Mother’s Cookies. It is often enough, to start, to listen a little more

The company survey first reveals that 7 out of 10 mothers verbally express what they want for Mother’s Day in order to guide the purchases of their loved ones. And that more than two-thirds even do so via a written wish list, at least for gifts from sufficiently grown children or spouses.

As part of the survey in question, 1000 women and 1000 men celebrating Mother’s Day were also interviewed. And it also helped to determine the gap between the “best gifts” that men believe they buy for moms and the best gifts that moms actually want to be given.

If the day at the spa requires a certain budget, the eternal noodle necklace or the famous salt dough sculpture are still very popular, as are the little culinary touches. The survey also notes that “nearly half of mothers said they would like their partner to take care of all the household/administrative tasks of the day”. There you go, now you won’t have any excuse (lack of time or money) not to give a (genuinely) appreciated Mother’s Day gift!