No joke! A teacher in a kindergarten in the town of Schwandorf is said to have says a girl, “sausage bread” to say in dialect. The called the “Federal Bavarian language” on the Plan.

Swan village again and again, the Association “Federal Bavarian language sounds” on his Facebook page from cases where the dialect makes a splash. A case met with the Chairman Sepp obermeier, now angry.

In a Kindergarten In Swan village, a teacher should have banned a girl, “sausage bread” to say, in the upper Palatinate dialect, because it would correctly be called “sausage bread”. This behavior obermeier setback applies.

ban for “sausage bread” makes for Trouble

The widespread practices of the ‘ 70s, to educate children only in written English because the dialects would inhibit academic and professional success, to be a heresy. “Today, we know that it is different,” said Obermeier the BR. The “sausage bread”-Causa but this was not the worst case he had ever heard.

In the altmühl valley there had been, according to the Chairman of the “Federation of Bavarian language” recently a case where a child was placed in the corner, because it had a spoken dialect. The Obermeier catastrophic takes place. “What are you doing with the children’s soul! The child will live for the whole.”

“sausage bread”-case: kindergarten management denies allegations

the management of The kindergarten wants to know the running request of the BR nothing of the case. Generally speaking, one would speak to a child ban dialect too. The children are expected to speak the way you are accustomed to at home.