In the case of a fire in a multi-family house, a woman tries to save himself by jumping from the top floor. Now, she succumbed to her injuries.

Altdorf – A day after jumping from the second floor of a burning house has died, a 43-Year-old. On Wednesday morning, the house in Altdorf (Landkreis Landshut) fire had broken out in a multi-family in the attic. The woman tried to save herself by jumping in front of the flames.

Altdorf: woman jumps out of window and falls six meters in depth

The staircase was, according to the Web-portal of the Landshuter newspaper full of smoke. The woman was by the fire in a panic and jumps out of the window, about six meters in depth. After the impact on the Asphalt in front of the house, the woman had to be resuscitated.

woman succumbed to serious injuries

you suffered in the jump, the most serious injuries and was taken to a hospital. She died there a day later, the police announced on Friday. The investigators exclude third-party negligence. Negligent Arson, according to the current state of the police, the cause of the accident.

damage at around 50,000 Euro

the police announced that broke out the fire on Wednesday morning in the attic of the house in Altdorf. According to initial estimates, a loss of about 50,000 euros.


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