Horror found in Hesse! A man calls the police about a body. Killed the 34-Year-old is his partner?

Darmstadt matadorbet giriş Horror-Fund in Darmstadt-Eberstadt! A 34-year-old man had called at noon on Thursday, the police. The exact content of the telephone call is not known. Perhaps it was a homicide. extratipp.com* reported about it.

Darmstadt: man reports dead body found! Police stands in front of puzzles!

it is Clear that The police hurried with crime scene technicians to Dächert of the apartment in the Fritz-way to Darmstadt-Eberstadt. The sad truth: The investigators found body parts , said in the joint press release of the Prosecutor’s office and police. The 34-Year-old, who had called the police, lives in the apartment with a six-years older woman. The police is now faced with the conundrum of whether it is in the body Fund to the said 40-Year-old. To clarify a post-mortem examination. This should take place as quickly as possible. In the room is the question of whether the whistleblower has killed his partner .

experts of the police of Darmstadt tracks to the Horror Fund

is not Also clarified whether the 34-year-old man from Darmstadt-Eberstadt to have been arrested. Police and prosecutors are holding back with further information and refer to the ongoing investigation. Experts of the police of Darmstadt, secured tracks in the apartment, in the body parts had been found.

Darmstadt: body’s to reported to be

How to hessenschau.de been dismembered, it should be in the body found in Darmstadt-Eberstadt to a woman. This is been dismembered. The Couple is said to have lived for five years in the apartment. A neighbor said the Hessischer Rundfunk that it had been a noisy quarrel.

Matthias Hoffmann

* extratipp.com is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.