a number of churches have made this week is that they are places to go to check on the hot water pipes. Why are lead pipes are a health risk?

The use of lead pipes in homes was established in 1960 and banned in a lot of residences have old lead piping replaced. However, in the Netherlands there are between 100,000 and 200,000 homes with lead pipes. Amsterdam is all the lead pipes in buildings are replaced, and Rotterdam and Utrecht, are now going to verify that the municipal buildings have lead pipes, that contain. The risk of these ducts really that bad?

Why are lead pipes to be replaced? < / p> The national Health council, published in november of last year, any advice on lead intake via water. Lead can be harmful to one’s health. According to the national Health council has a small proportion of the population with high exposure to lead via tap water. These are mainly residents of the old housing with lead pipes.

in Particular, pregnant women, and babies who are bottle-fed, and children up to seven years are at risk if they have prolonged exposure to lead may be exposed. “To estimate the total risk for a few tens of thousands of young children, and a few of the thousands of pregnant women who are using tap water, undesirable high lead exposure,” according to the board of Health.

According to the scientific advisory board, it is quite likely that the tap water in children who are born and grow up in homes with lead plumbing may allow for a reduction of up to about five IQ points. Fetuses in the womb of pregnant women, infants, and young children are more susceptible to lead than adults because their brains are still developing, and because of their low body weight, in a ratio of more quickly a lot of lead in their diet.

High exposure to lead can have on adults and increase the risk of heart disease, and chronic renal failure. However, only a very small proportion of the people with lead pipes, it is possible that they have so much lead in their diet, this is the risk of developing these diseases and alarming increases.

Also, watch out for construction

Not only are young families living in old houses should pay particular attention to lead in water. Also, in the construction of new houses can be one of the first couple of months after they have been installed for high concentration of lead in tap water is a worry.

What can you do to ensure that you will be a lot of lead and get? < / p> for example, If you’re in a new house, it is in accordance with the Gezondheisraad is important that when you are in the first few months to a couple of hours of no water use, perfect, let go through before you get water to drink. For pregnant women and young children, who live in a house with lead plumbing are advised to use only bottled water to drink.

you can Also dissolve metals, and, therefore, are also lead free, more easily in hot water. It is recommended to use only cold water from the tap to drink.