Cornered after the adoption of the motion to reject his immigration bill, Gérald Darmanin was called on Monday evening to resign by the opposition. A resignation that Emmanuel Macron however refused to this faithful from the beginning, who could even be described as a strong man of Macron.

A bitter setback for Gérald Darmanin. At the origin of the immigration bill which was to be debated from this Monday, December 11, 2023 in the National Assembly, before the rejection motion filed against it by environmentalists was finally adopted thanks to a union of oppositions, the Minister of the Interior found himself in a somewhat delicate situation. On the side of La France insoumise and the National Rally, calls for the resignation of Gérald Darmanin were quickly heard.

Faced with what he himself described as a “failure”, the tenant of Beauvau indeed presented his resignation to the President of the Republic on Monday. A resignation however refused by Emmanuel Macron, as confirmed by the Minister of the Interior himself on the set of TF1’s 20 Hours in the evening. “I am a man of honor and Parliament counts. The president had to count. He decided,” he soberly declared in his interview with Gilles Bouleau.

Emmanuel Macron has therefore made his choice. That of continuing to trust your Minister of the Interior. Minister of the Interior who has also been put to the test in recent months, not hesitating to take the blows for the Head of State in sometimes complicated moments, such as the riots that occurred at the beginning of the summer, who followed the death of young Nahel. Let us also remember that before being appointed to Beauvau in 2020, Gérald Darmanin had joined the Macron clan in 2016, thus making him one of the faithful among the faithful.

Appointed Minister of Action and Public Accounts within the government of Édouard Philippe in 2017, he has since proven himself within a Macronie which was however far from being won over to the cause of the one we sometimes referred to as Nicolas Sarkozy’s darling. Alongside Édouard Philippe, Bruno Le Maire and Gabriel Attal, Gérald Darmanin, even if he recently gave his support to his former Prime Minister, is also to date one of the potential candidates for the succession of ‘Emmanuel Macron.