At the microphone of Radio J on Sunday, Aurore Bergé announced that the government intended to review the subsidies paid to feminist associations whose statements relating to the acts committed by Hamas on October 7 would have been “ambiguous”.

Pressure on feminist associations. A few months after the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, French feminist associations are in the government’s sights. “I asked that all financially supported associations be scrutinized,” warned, Sunday February 11 on Radio J, Aurore Bergé, the Minister Delegate in charge of Equality between women and men and Fight against discrimination.

“If there is the slightest ambiguity about comments that were made on October 7, it would not be normal for these associations to continue to receive subsidies from the government,” said Aurore Bergé, for whom “being a feminist , that’s to say, being a feminist means supporting the women who were mutilated on October 7.” However, it is difficult to know exactly which associations could soon lose part of their funding.

And for good reason, associations and figures of feminism in France, but also throughout the world, have been criticized above all for their silence. The Jewish state even seems to be behind these heavy accusations. This is evidenced by his post And added: “Supporting Hamas or remaining silent is siding with the evil murderers responsible for these atrocities against women.”

However, as Franceinfo points out, in this case, the first accounts of rapes committed by Hamas members during the October 7 attack only began to be reported at the very end of October. , what is more, at a time when the fate of the Gazans, victims of the Israeli response, was really starting to worry world opinion. Subsequently, many feminists have unreservedly condemned sex crimes. This is the case of the Women’s Foundation, the ecologist and feminist Sandrine Rousseau or the We All Collective. The latter, in passing, denounced a “smear campaign” against him while many pointed the finger at him for not having explicitly enough denounced the actions of Hamas. As Franceinfo further recalls, in an Instagram post dated October 26, the collective denounced rape as a war crime and provided support “to all civilians, victims of war, everywhere in the world”, but did not specifically mention the acts committed by Hamas on October 7.