Because you missed an oncoming car, causing a road ohhh an accident with about 20,000 euros damage.

strasslach – The Turn of a road ohhh has overlooked, apparently, an oncoming car and causes an accident. Events of salmon in the collision on Monday at 18.05 in Strasbourg, reported to the police.

The 34-year-old Strasbourg ohhh drove her BMW to the Tölzer Straße in the direction of the South and wanted to turn left on The road laugh box. In the process, they overlooked a responsive, 57-year-old Strasbourg ohhh in her Seat and drove off. It came to a clash.

Curious accident in green forest: Elderly woman runs against a parked Porsche.

In the accident the 57 injured-Year-old light and was brought to the hospital. The 34-Year-old was uninjured. The damage amounts to a total of around 20,000 euros.
