The head of state announced a “massive simplification” of economic sectors, including “rules in the world of work”. A decision taken to meet its objective of full employment.

Emmanuel Macron declared that he wanted a “massive simplification law” for “all economic sectors”, Friday January 5, during the traditional galette at the Élysée. It would concern in particular “rules in the world of work” and would allow the President of the Republic to achieve his objective of full employment. “We are going to launch, following the end-of-year consultation, massive simplification work for all economic sectors, in particular artisans, traders and the agricultural world,” he explained. The head of state specified that he wanted to “rediscover a little of the philosophy” of his Macron law, passed in 2015 and which already aimed to “liberate the economy”. Through this new bill that he is requesting from the government, Emmanuel Macron wants to be able to “shorten the deadlines” and “reverse the burden of proof”. By this, he means that instead of searching “through the maquis of laws, what is not prohibited, (…) tell ourselves that everything which is not explicitly prohibited becomes authorized”.

This idea of ??a simplification law comes after the president had taken full employment as a flagship measure during his second five-year term. He explained that he was seeking to “have a second set of simplification of rules in the world of work to also facilitate job creation in all sectors”. Emmanuel Macron stressed that “the battle for full employment everywhere on our territory” is “an essential axis”, before recalling that France “needs ‘doers'”.