The choice of your seat greatly influences your chances of surviving in the event of an accident. Unsurprisingly, it is not at the front of a device that you have to sit…

When making a reservation for an airline ticket, what is your priority? Generally to have room for your legs if you are tall, to be close to the toilets, to be located at the front of the plane to be able to get out quickly or to have a better quality seat for your comfort.

But few people think of choosing their seat according to their safety in the event of a terrible crash taking the lives of hundreds of passengers and crew members, for example. The plane is still the safest means of transport ahead of the train and the bus according to Le Figaro with 1.01 accidents per million flights. There is little chance of giving you a last shot of adrenaline during your next Strasbourg-Biarritz… But the accidents of these huge aircraft remain impressive and often fuel fantasies, such as the Rio-Paris crash.

The academic scientific journal The Conversation therefore asked this question: what is the safest seat on an airplane? If this question is paramount when concluding your future reservation, know that the middle seat in the back of an aircraft is then your best choice.

Having two people by your side creates a human buffer that increases your stat chance of staying alive. The rear of the aircraft is also the last area affected by the impact of a forced landing. The last rank is also close to an exit, again increasing the survival rate.

But Time magazine reminds us that “the chances of dying in a plane crash have less to do with where you sit than with the circumstances surrounding the crash.”