The Minister of Ecological Transition recently spoke about the overhaul of the DPE and new avenues to promote access to property. A “housing simplification shock” is launched.

Faced with the complexity of energy renovation and the housing difficulties encountered by the French in recent years, the Minister of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion Christophe Béchu, rare on these themes in the media, gave an interview to Le Parisien to detail two major news that will soon be implemented. They concern the energy performance diagnosis (DPE) and access to property.

Criticized for its lack of reliability and a difficult timetable, the DPE, first of all, will be largely remodeled. “With Guillaume Kasbarian, we are launching a shock of housing simplification.” In this sense, the calculation of the DPE will be corrected by a decree “for which we will launch consultation this week” he indicated. An order which will target small areas to restore a certain equity, the share of domestic hot water weighing more on these small areas. A problem, because “this results in more than 27% of very small goods, those less than 40m2, being considered as sieves”. “We will correct this calculation bias and remove 140,000 homes of less than 40m2 from the energy sieve category” (labeled F or G). In total, 15% of these surfaces are affected.

Christophe Béchu also indicated that the deadline of January 1, 2025, prohibiting the rental of housing classified G was still relevant. On the other hand, the obligation to reach a higher class, F, will only be effective from the renewal of the lease, not from the deadline of January 1, 2025. Time for the owner to carry out the work correctly. “In the event of tacit renewal of the lease, the lessor owner cannot be held responsible for renting a colander if his tenant refuses leave for work” we can also read in the daily newspaper. Also, for those who engage in work after a vote in the AGM, the ban on renting will be suspended for two years from the date of the vote. “We are providing new tools to meet renovation obligations, more flexibility” explains Christophe Béchu.

At the end of the meeting on February 15, 2024 between Christophe Kasbarian, Minister of Housing, the construction sector and Christophe Béchu himself, announcements of simplification of the MaPrimeRénov’ system will also be announced. First idea: “we could make the RGE label free for craftsmen” he says.

On the access to property aspect, and faced with the difficulty households have in purchasing their homes, the minister announced a measure to help the French become owners. “This involves new financing mechanisms, I am thinking of “ultimate” or “mortgage” loans, as already exists in Switzerland. We are going to meet all the players in the banking sector at the end of February to discuss it,” he said. .

The principle is to take out a loan for 20 or 25 years, for 80% of the price and not 100%. The remaining 20% ??”remains in the form of a mortgage on which you only repay the interest and not the capital. This will only be repaid upon resale” explains Christophe Béchu. These “ultimate” or “mortgage” loans allow you to defer repayment, while still owning the land and property. The objective for individuals is clear: benefit from a loan with an extended duration with reduced monthly payments. Enough, in principle, to borrow a larger sum and finalize a project more in line with your expectations.