A car’s dashboard is full of little warning lights. But this one could do you a great favor…

Modern cars incorporate more and more technology. Electronics have long since invested the passenger compartment of our vehicles, to the delight of users who are often fond of high-tech. Go compare the dashboard of a Renault 5 in the 80s with that of the New R5, whose presentation is expected at the end of the year, you will measure that in the space of 40 years the automobile has made its technological revolution! Too many options killing the option? Maybe not, but to be too drunk, it could be that we miss a lot.

This is also often the case with all these small symbols, discreet but useful, implanted in the passenger compartment of vehicles to give us information of all kinds. For example, have you ever looked at the fuel gauge located at the meter? No doubt to see how much gasoline or diesel you have left. But did you notice anything else? There is a very useful little indication when it is time to fill your tank. A small arrow is located on either side of the pump that serves as a symbol for your gauge.

The information is not without importance because it will facilitate your passage to the gas station. If this arrow is on the left, the tank is on the driver’s side, if it is on the right, it is on the passenger side. To avoid having to pull with all your might on the hose and at the risk of making small scratches on your beautiful bodywork, it is still more practical to choose a gun placed near its tank. Generally, you know which side the hatch is on your own car, but this is not always the case when using a vehicle you are not familiar with, such as when renting for example! This is particularly the case in the summer, when renting a car for the holidays.

Did you know ? If the position of the tank varies from one make or model of car to another, it is because there is no legislation on the subject in France, or elsewhere. Some manufacturers prefer to put it on the left side to prevent the driver from walking around his vehicle when filling his tank, others choose the right side because it is placed on the side opposite the road and therefore safer if a user had to refuel urgently on the edge of the road after running out of gas.

But if when refueling you don’t see a small arrow on the counter on your dashboard, don’t panic. Some vehicles simply don’t have one. In this case, you have to look at another element on your fuel gauge warning light: the hose. It also indicates the location of your tank…