The German weather service warns of snowfall in the whole of Bavaria. Currently a Front rolls with a lot of snow in the Luggage and after a very heavy Frost. It’s smoothness is imminent.

The third advent weekend is the winter, very cold, and the area of snow falls. The German weather service warns of severe Frost, ice and snow. The Alps and the Bavarian forest experienced the coldest night. Now>>>

Update, 6.35 PM, 16 threatens much snow

<<<Update. December: temperatures of up to Minus 10 degrees Bavaria frosteten in the night on Sunday. Now, on Sunday morning, threatening a lot of snow. The weather service warns for the whole of Bavaria in front of snow. After a strong Frost, he should stay well. The winter service on the roads in Bavaria today will have to do well.

it is Especially dangerous when The snow comes together with a warm front from the West. In the course of a day, the snow could move in the rain. Of the then falls on a frozen ground. The German weather service is not anticipating the evening with smoothness überfriere the drizzle, especially in the South of Bavaria.

weather in Bavaria and Munich: messages from the 14. December

Update, 09.07 PM: The German weather service (DWD) has released on Thursday morning for large parts of Germany an official warning for smoothness and Frost. In Munich, motorists should expect up to lunch with freezing rain. Particularly in the South areas such as Garmisch-Partenkirchen are affected, according to the DWD, even from severe Frost. The danger areas, you will find the DWD at a Glance.

+ The DWD has issued for Thursday for an official warning about ice and Frost. In the areas in the yellow area weather warnings, in the orange “striking weather”. ©Deutscher Wetterdienst

Update from the 13. December, 06.47 PM: motorists in Bavaria have to make on Thursday morning on slippery roads taken. Because of precipitation Vegabet on the eve, there are many roads überfrierende moisture, such as the German weather service (DWD) warns. The smoothness of the risk should decrease by late morning. On Thursday, it should remain mainly dry

temperature fall on 3. Advent

Update from the 12. December, 10.13 PM: The third advent weekend is Christmas in Bavaria. The German weather service announced for Friday in Bavaria low snowfall, which continued in the night to Saturday. In light minus temperatures, in Munich on Saturday to minus four degrees, it can come locally to smoothness. Frosty it is in the Alps, then on Sunday up to minus 12 degree winter Sunday in advent make for a frosty.

Update from the 12. December, 8.45 am: Despite the smoothness and snow if it remained in the night to Wednesday on Bavaria’s streets quiet. Especially from the upper Palatinate to the foothills of the Alps, it was in the Morning, snow-covered roads at slightly below zero degrees, such as the German weather service (DWD) reported on Wednesday. The DWD, called on motorists to exercise special caution, especially in Eastern and southern Bavaria.

In Munich and the surrounding area, the people expected on the Morning of a 1 to 2 cm thick layer of snow, in the foothills of the Alps there was as much as 30 to 50 centimetres of snow. Frosty cold with a light fall of snow it is, according to a DWD meteorologist in Bavaria in the coming days. From Thursday on he predicted for the edge of the Alps additionally, the duration of frost – it stays smooth on the roads.

weather in Bavaria: Mild days in December

Especially in the first days of December the Winter in Bavaria had to wait. Mild days, given the Winter an autumn character, the left in this week, lots of Munich to the bike to grab. Some new snow fell on the Alps for the second weekend of advent, the strong storms but was just in a Christmas mood. You could even, in some places, the Christmas market fail. Here you can read the weather reports in the December in our previous weather Ticker.

Until the middle of the month the temperatures drop well into the minus range, the area is snow and it is smooth. Caution is necessary because of local Überfrierungen especially on the roads.

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