On the night of Thursday March 21 to Friday March 22, Russia launched one of the most massive attacks in recent months against Ukraine. A hail of missiles left several dead and hit the country’s energy infrastructure hard.

“Last night, Russia launched more than 60 Shahed drones (explosive drones, Editor’s note) and nearly 90 missiles of different types on Ukraine,” denounced President Volodymyr Zelensky on X this Friday, March 22, presenting his “ condolences to the families of those killed by this terror.” The Russian offensive was one of the most massive in recent months, according to Le Figaro, causing “for the moment […] two deaths and at least eight wounded in Khmelnytskyï”, in the west of the country, the Ukrainian ministry said. of the Interior to the French daily newspaper. “There are also six injured in Zaporizhia (south, Editor’s note), three people are missing at the site of the attacks,” he added.

Although the Ukrainian Air Force claimed that air defense was able to shoot down 55 out of 63 Shahed drones and 37 out of 88 missiles, the attack nevertheless severely affected the country’s infrastructure. “The world also clearly sees […] the targets of Russian terrorists: power plants and energy supply lines, a hydroelectric dam, ordinary apartment buildings, and even a trolleybus,” Volodymyr Zelensky listed in his post. “Currently, 700,000 consumers are without electricity,” said Oleksii Kuleba, deputy head of the Ukrainian president’s office, this morning, reports Le Figaro.

“Russian missiles have no delays, unlike aid programs for Ukraine. Shahed drones have no indecision, unlike some politicians. It is essential to understand the cost of delays and postponed decisions,” also denounced the Ukrainian head of state, showing his exasperation while American aid has been blocked for months because of political rivalries between Republicans and Democrats and that of the EU has fallen significantly behind schedule, recalls BFMTV.