The deployment by the government of the federal agents, sometimes from the customs or the border police, has had the effect of hardening of the protest movement.

police in Portland began on Thursday to evacuate the area around the city centre to prepare for the withdrawal of the federal agents sent by the government of Donald Trump and that the presence of controversy.

dozens Of police officers of Portland (north-west) have asked residents to immediately leave the parks and streets in the city centre, bordering the federal court, under penalty of arrest, to complete the perimeter, found an AFP journalist.

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Only some fifty demonstrators had remained in place, contrary to some thousands who have marched every night since the arrival to Portland of federal police officers.

“We want to move it”

“We will not let the police stop it,” shouted including these demonstrators, accusing the police of being “murderers”. “We want change, we want to move it”, said to AFP, Emily, artist of 35 years. She said that the withdrawal of the federal agents as long decried was not going to diminish the determination of those who have been protesting for weeks against racial discrimination and police brutality. “They just replace the federal police,” says Emily, who is expecting the same clashes with the forces of order as the previous nights.

The mayor, a democrat from Portland, Ted Wheeler, has said that the evacuation of the surroundings of the court was part of the agreement announced the previous day between the local authorities and the government for the withdrawal of the federal agents. “This is part of the plan so that the federal agents are leaving our community,” he explained on Twitter.

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The death of George Floyd, middle-aged black asphyxiated on 25 may in Minneapolis by a white policeman, has sparked in all of the United States, huge demonstrations of anti-racist. The mobilization was significantly impaired, but pockets of protest have persisted, especially in Portland, which are clearly marked on the left.

The deployment by the government of the federal agents, sometimes from the customs or the border police, and featuring a wide range of military, has had the effect of hardening of the movement in this city with a long history of protest.

The “plan” Trump has “failed”

“today, the federal troops prepare to leave the center of Portland. We will protect the free expression and the right to peaceful protest”, had welcomed on Twitter the governor a democrat from Oregon, Kate Brown, accusing president Donald Trump to have mounted a coup “policy” in the sending.

“I think we have had enough of posturing policies on the part of DC”, a reference to the federal government of Washington, DC, she tweeted. “The plan of the president (Donald Trump) to ‘take control’ of the streets of american cities has failed,” she said.

The agreement provides that the local police will ensure the maintenance of law and order outside of the court, subject to a few federal agents, which is their usual mission of securing the buildings themselves.

Donald Trump has reaffirmed Thursday that the intervention of the federal agents was necessary because “the governor and the mayor (of Portland) don’t know what they are doing”. “This is not our job to clean up the cities, it is the forces of the local order of the do,” he added before reporters.

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The old president Barack Obama has condemned on Thursday the submission by the administration Trump of federal agents against “peaceful protesters” and the authorities ‘ efforts to “attack the right to vote” of Americans.

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