to support this community, the american giant wants to put in value their trades, who have suffered financial losses with the containment measures.

As a response to the movement Black Lives Matter. That will not fail to respond. In the United States, the search engine now offers to Blacks, owners of a store, to clarify the specificity on the Google Maps of the property. Concretely, it is a badge representing a black heart, with the dot “Black-owned” (“owned by a Black”).

“In recent months, we have seen an increase in online searches for businesses belonging to Blacks. It is a source of inspiration to see so many people seek ways to invest in the black community”, explains in a blog post Jewel Burks, head of Google’s start-up in the United States. For consumers, this is supposed to be a way to financially support their institutions, thanks to this identification, in a context of demonstrations or anti-racist.

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The mention of ‘Black-owned’ will not be offered in France. And the giant has not yet clarified how the identification will be verified. Other options are already available in the United States, such as badges to indicate if a property is held by a woman or by a veteran of war, as explained in this blog post on Google.

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in addition, Google must pay $ 275 million to various causes in the fight against racial discrimination, of which $ 100 million for YouTube to help artists black. The giant californian also wants to promote African-Americans in the management of the company and has set as a goal to improve by 30% the representation of groups in the minority by 2025.