China has denounced “manipulation and suppression” policy after the radical measures announced by the us president.

Donald Trump has again stepped up pressure Thursday against the popular social network TikTok, as well as the chinese platform WeChat, with radical decisions, of a nature to inflame tensions with China. The president has signed a decree prohibiting, within 45 days, any transaction, “persons under u.s. jurisdiction” with ByteDance, home-chinese mother of TikTok.

The head of State is talking about a “national emergency” regarding the application of video light as he accuses, without evidence, to spy on its users in the u.s. to the account of Beijing, in a context of trade tensions and policies with China. “TikTok will automatically capture wide swaths of information about its users (…), potentially allowing China to track government employees, to create personal folders for blackmail and to practice industrial espionage”, in justification of the decree.

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The president has signed a decree of the same order against the platform WeChat, which is owned by chinese giant Tencent. To the Hong Kong stock Exchange, the share Tencent plunged more than 6% after this announcement. The official document mentions the same complaints. Mobile applications held by China “threaten the national security, foreign policy and economy of the United States,” according to the president. The decrees do not specify the practical consequences, but the prohibition of any transactions with the two companies could force Google and Apple to remove the two networks in their stores for apps, preventing, in fact, the use in the United States.

Need a buy-american before the 15th September

Donald Trump has accepted Monday the possibility that an american group buys TikTok, but before September 15, under penalty of ban the platform. It was the passage required that a “significant proportion” of the transaction price to be paid to the State, under the pretext that his government made the development possible.

A concept that has aroused sharp criticism and a certain embarrassment in his entourage. The it group Microsoft, which seems to accept the terms of the president, is in discussion with ByteDance to negotiate an acquisition at a brisk pace. The american group had, initially, wanted to redeem only the operations of TikTok in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, but he now wishes to acquire all of the global activities of the app, according to the Financial Times.

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But this has not appeased the billionaire republican and his allies. The american Senate adopted on Thursday unanimously a bill that prohibits the download and use of TikTok on any device issued by the government to its employees or to members of Congress.

Beijing cree on the “repression”

In return, China has denounced this Friday, “manipulation and suppression” policies of Donald Trump. When asked at a press briefing, the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign Affairs of china, Wang Wengbin, has accused Washington of “place his selfish interests above the market principles and international rules”. The United States ‘ lead handling and a crackdown on arbitrary policies, this will lead only to their own moral decline, and on an infringement of their image,” he added.

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on his side TikTok has threatened to take legal action after the radical measures announced by the us president Donald Trump.

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“We will use all available means to ensure that the rule of law is respected and that our company and our users receive a fair treatment, if not from the u.s. government, from the u.s. courts,” said TikTok in a press release.