With nearly a Million sanctions each year, the Jobcenter Hartz-IV-recipients, on line: Who is not cooperating, you’ll get less money. Social judges want to prepare the in Karlsruhe.

Karlsruhe, Germany – Hartz-IV-recipients who neglect their duties will be removed on months money – but the state is allowed to bring all people in Existenznot to exert pressure? On Tuesday, the Federal constitutional court takes the benefit cuts under the microscope, which may, in the worst case, so that someone standing without support. To the hearing in Karlsruhe, Federal is expected to be Minister of labour, Hubertus Heil (SPD). (Az. 1 BvL 7/16)

The Review of the social court has initiated in the Thuringian town of Gotha. The judge is there to keep the sanctions to be unconstitutional. You see, among other things, the basic law’s guarantee of human existence minimum for decent injured: Affected debt, homelessness, disease and Hunger threatened. Because you should not own laws, they have exposed a method to the provisions in Karlsruhe.

The unemployed person who has complained in Gotha, had to get from the job centre in Erfurt a job as a warehouse worker offered. He refused, because he wanted to work in sales. A voucher for a sample internship in this area, he was later forfeited. The job centre cut him in 2014, the basic monthly backup – first by 30 percent to 117,30 Euro, then by 60 percent in order to 234,60 Euro.

Hartz IV recipients are legally obliged to actively seek an end to their need for assistance. If you do not, without good reason, threaten power cuts in several stages. Also, the Acquisition costs for the property can be deleted. In the extreme case, all of the services. Young people under 25 years of age are particularly sanctioned sharp.

In the year 2017 were Hartz-IV-recipients, with nearly one Million penalties to face

2017 the Jobcenter imposed almost a Million sanctions. Of which, however, can be repeatedly affected the same Person. In a good three-quarters of cases in people who had missed an appointment at the job centre. The benefits are reduced by ten percent.

In the published negotiation breakdown, the judge raises a variety of questions. For example, you want to know whether the children of Hartz IV recipients are protected from the effects of the power cuts is sufficient. Demands provoked that the money is deleted for three months – even if the person Concerned has in the meantime praised improvement.

The all-day negotiation is the first, which is headed by the former Union group Vice-Stephan Harbarth. The 47-Year-old was replaced at the beginning of December as the new Chairman of the First Senate and the Vice-President of the court to Karlsruhe. 2020, it is expected to be the successor of the court’s President Andreas Voßkuhle.

14 years after the merging of unemployment assistance and social assistance to Hartz IV is also discussed in the policy Reform. SPD party head Andrea Nahles announced in November: “We will not let Hartz IV behind us.” Minister healing wants to abolish this year, the sharp sanctions for Under-25-Year-old, and the reduction of the accommodation costs. In the Grand coalition with the Union, is not likely to be easy to implement.

Objected to the constitutional court the system of Sanctions, it would force a Reform. After the hearing, the Senate advises in Secret. The verdict is usually announced a few months later.

Also interesting: food coupons for the Hartz IV-recipients: rescue or paternalism?
