The night from Saturday to Sunday in Germany for excitement. Freezing temperatures could make for a huge crop failure.

Munich – For fruit growers in the night from Saturday to Sunday is a key – it extreme crop losses. Reason for this is an icy Wind from the Arctic blowing through all of Germany and for the so-called “Frost to blossom”. At night the temperatures can drop significantly in the minus area, and ensure that the blossoms freeze and die. The well-known meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann feared even a “floral massacre”.

tile man warns of “flower massacre”: “… little Chance to do something”

“don’t you fingers crossed that it comes as feared,” Werner Ollig, Vice-President of the German horticultural society, the not given up hope yet. “All hope that it will not be so bad.” Tile man sees black and sees the last Chance in a “miracle.” On Twitter, he wrote: “Many of frost places! Oh dear, the is a flowers-, flowers and buds of a massacre, if no miracle has happened up to the night of Saturday to Sunday.“

Actually fall in the night on Sunday, temperatures in Germany are expected to – with the exception of Bavaria and Saxony – up to minus seven degrees. Minus temperatures, the flowers and young fruits fatal. Ollig small gardening therefore advises that your vegetables and salad crops with fleece cover, and thus keep warm. In contrast, you have “fruit little Chance to do something”. A possible “flower massacre” are gardeners and fruit growers, so a large part of the powerless.

Therefore, we look forward to the Saturday night “skeptical, sometimes fearful, but nevertheless, we are aware of the Situation, of course,” Jens Stechmann. The Chairman of the Federal Committee of fruit and vegetables in the German farmers ‘ Association, the main problem looks through the Frost of the damage to the young tissue of the fruit. As a result, “we have a quality problem,” says Stechmann. Nevertheless, in isolated cases, protection measures can be taken to the flowers.

the battle against the “flower massacre”: “We are all in alarm position”

by Using the frost protection irrigation will be set on the plants releases heat. Here, every hour is about 40 cubic meters of water to be sprayed per hectare on the fruit trees. The protection effect is caused, paradoxically, by constantly freezing the water on the flower. “The change from liquid to solid it releases a large amount of energy and holds the flower at -0.5 degrees Celsius,” says Fruit grower Ulrich Harms. Occasionally frost candles, open fire bowls, which are placed between the plant and ignited. In the case of the vintners, is now also experiments with heated wires. “That would bring the heat directly to the leaves,” so the idea, according to Ernst Büscher, spokesperson for the German wine Institute.

+ A nice picture from a straight occasion: With frost the candles are trying to winemakers and fruit growers to save their crop.©picture alliance/dpa / Alexandra Wey

Such protection methods are becoming more and more important. Because of the “Frost blossom” could occur as a result of climate change in the future: “We have observed that Bud break is earlier and earlier. This increases the risk that after Frost causes damage,” explains Büscher.

fruit growers and winegrowers were only in 2017, with a similar “flower massacre” and, thus, an extreme crop failure faced. Two years ago, “we had a similar Situation, and 17 percent Yield loss.” Therefore, all are “in Alarm state”. In the weather Ticker you will find the latest information to the cold, graft, hangs over Germany.
