Cold calling is as old as it is annoying. However, there are simple and free solutions to get rid of them.

Who has never experienced this situation: a call from an unknown number. We suspect an acquaintance whose number we have not recorded or a recent contact from whom we are waiting for news. A person answers us and offers us a vague insurance contract. Congratulations ! You have been the victim of telephone canvassing.

Many companies profit from the gullibility of their interlocutors by making telephone calls. The primary goal is to offer a service (often by signing a contract) which people generally do not need, but which will automatically renew to deplete your bank account. In the long term, such a commitment can cost you a lot of money on your savings and often for a service that you will never use, such as bogus insurance.

To combat telephone canvassing, the French government has set up the Bloctel website on which you can enter your number. Companies practicing cold calling must then check whether your number is on this list before calling you. This service may be relatively effective, but it often does not block all of these companies’ attempts. There is a better, completely free solution to this.

This completely free application is called Truecaller. There are several types of applications of this kind, but Truecaller has the best feedback and reviews from its users. With almost 4.4 stars out of 5 on the Google Play Store, Truecaller has a rather simple and intuitive operation.

The application automatically filters potential unwanted calls which end up directly in your spam. You can always consult these and reestablish potential false positives that come from your acquaintances or services such as a recruiter or an Amazon delivery person.

Also keep in mind that since March 1, 2023, companies practicing cold calling can no longer use numbers in 06 or 07. This should also help you distinguish unwanted calls from those that may be of interest to you.