Finding love is not easy, so be careful not to make this mistake that will cause you to lose points!

Meeting the right person has never been an easy task and it may be even more difficult today, in an ultra-connected world. In the jungle of dating sites and applications, you already need to know where to start. Find the right platform based on your age, your orientation, what you are looking for.

For singles looking for love, knowing how to stand out in this landscape is necessary. Beautiful candid photos where you appear in your best light will brighten up slightly shy profiles. But it’s no longer a secret: looks aren’t everything and it’s just as important to highlight your personality and the art of expressing yourself would be a good way to achieve this.

According to a study of more than 800 people in the Netherlands, mastering language is an art that is too often underestimated by singles. Led by Ms. Tess Van der Zanden and published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, this study was carried out by researchers who worked hand in hand with employees of a dating site. For the occasion, fake profiles were created to be carefully examined by the participants.

Researchers shed light on one of the worst mistakes for singles: They show that grammatical and spelling errors, such as typos, missing capitalization and others, present in dating site profiles , can be prohibitive for some singles. Lack of attention when writing your profile, leading to the presence of these sometimes very obvious mistakes, can lessen the charm of suitors.

According to Ms. Van der Zanden, “in the context of online dating, lack of attention can be perceived as a lack of rigor and interest in the time devoted to developing one’s profile. Which therefore risks distracting users of such a profile.” Such errors would reveal a lack of seriousness and attention to detail, faults that can put off some singles.

All is not lost for poor students, however. The study showed that only 33.5% of participants noticed the mistakes in the biographies. And one factor may qualify these results: the physical beauty revealed by the profile photo. The director of the study has in fact confirmed that a person considered particularly beautiful (above average) can overshadow the grammar and spelling errors of this same profile.

The researchers were careful to ask participants to rate the person’s beauty after reading the profile biography. If errors were present, then the intelligence of the suitor was called into question and the latter therefore appeared to be a less good “match”. However, if the profile, with the same photo, did not include any errors, then participants were more likely to “like” the profile.