This product, which we use every day, prevents fogging of your car windows for a long time.

When we take a shower and steam settles on the bathroom mirror, it’s annoying but that doesn’t stop us from drying off and getting dressed straight away. It’s more annoying when you get into a car in the morning and all the glass surfaces are covered in fog. However, the phenomenon is frequent in autumn and winter due to more humid nights. When this happens, there are two solutions: wait until the ventilation clears the fog or take a cloth and rub all the corners of your windshield and windows. Whichever option you choose, it takes several minutes. Not always practical when it’s time to leave for work or drop the children off at school…

Fortunately, some automotive experts have shared a tip to prevent fogging of car windows. For this, no need to buy a spray for around ten euros in stores. All you need is a product that you use daily and that you find in every bathroom: soap. The method couldn’t be simpler. Simply moisten one side of a flat soap and pass it over the entire interior surface of the windshield and the side windows. You must then remove the traces left by the soap with a damp cloth and that’s it.

Even if it is not visible to the naked eye, this operation creates a thin layer of soap which will act as a barrier to fogging. For several days, even weeks, the humidity present in the car interior can no longer settle on the windows. No more visibility problems and wasted time waiting for the air in the ventilation system to heat up to defog the tiles. And as soon as the phenomenon happens again, it’s time to use your soap again, clean your windows and create a new barrier against mist.

Even though this may cross the mind of any motorist, it is important to remember that it is forbidden to take the road in a vehicle with greatly reduced visibility. Driving without seeing much rarely saves time but does greatly increase the risk of causing an accident. Driving a vehicle with an obstructed windshield is also punishable by law; the offense is punishable by a fine of 90 euros and a deduction of 3 points from the license. It’s much more expensive than soap.