The financial support provided to certain households will be less important in a few weeks.

This is the course of action for 2024. Aid paid to the French will be more regulated and even, sometimes, reduced. However, among the planned blows, some will impact the comfort of many households and will not be without consequences on their wallets. With the government’s decision to reduce the amounts allocated to certain schemes, it is the purchasing power of beneficiaries that will suffer.

Since 2020, the State has opened the financial floodgates to help the French consume less at home. Enough to save money. Thus, the “Ma bonus rénov’” system was created to finance part of the work launched by the owners, whether they are occupants of the property or have rented it out.

Depending on income, the bonus received can go up to 11,000 euros for equipment or even up to 70,000 euros for large-scale work allowing better insulation of the property (the full list of eligible work is available here) . Except that in a few weeks, the amounts allocated will decrease. People who wish to make full use of state aid to renovate their homes should not delay in starting the process.

From April 1, for households with very modest incomes, aid for the installation of a wood boiler will drop by 3,000 euros and that for a pellet stove, log stove or inserts, by 700 euros. Households with modest incomes will also see these amounts decrease: between €400 and €2,500 will no longer be covered by the State for this same work. And reductions of 300 to 1000 euros are also recorded for households with intermediate resources on the same devices. The table below lets you know which household category you belong to:

A real blow for these families, the main beneficiaries of the system (470,000 of the 670,000 renovations carried out in 2022) and who used this money first to install a pellet stove in their home (146,000 purchases made). But with the change in the rules, households in these categories will have to spend an additional €500 to €700 out of their pocket to make their project a reality.

But why this plan when the energy renovation of buildings continues to be highlighted? To “preserve French forests as much as possible” and not run out of wood in the years to come if everyone were to switch to this method of heating, we defend ourselves in the offices of the ministries, according to 60 million consumers . It is in fact the only mode of energy to see reductions in aid, with solar and fuel oil still benefiting from massive financial support from the State for its deployment in homes.