Some will be exempt from this administrative process.

It is an administrative obligation that everyone must comply with. To build a house or erect a building, an application for a building permit must be made. If it is not granted, it is impossible to start the work. But the law will change and two regions will be spared this paperwork. However, manufacturers will not be exempt from any process. A file, much smaller and easier to make, will simply have to be established.

In fact, only a prior declaration of work will allow the construction site to begin. This is usually used for “small” works, i.e. extensions or other constructions of less than 20m². This will speed up the creation of housing because the number of supporting documents to be provided will be fewer and the processing times shortened: one month for a prior declaration compared to three months for a permit.

Build more and faster: it is in this sense that the rule will be changed to respond to the housing crisis hitting Guyana and Mayotte, where, in total, nearly 100,000 makeshift homes have mushroomed in recent years. Not without significant health and social consequences. Thus, in these two regions, the procedure for launching construction sites will be less complex. The objective: “to simplify and accelerate the production of decent housing with a view to rehousing people leaving slums in order to stem the exponential development of spontaneous and unsanitary housing.”

However, this administrative facility will not be effective for everyone. Not just anyone will be able to submit a simple prior declaration of work to build their home. Only communities (town hall, community of communes, department), social landlords and other mixed companies (combining private and public) will benefit from this exceptional regime.

Furthermore, any construction cannot avoid the filing of a building permit. Only projects meeting certain criteria of size, nature and location will be able to skip this step and only go through the prior declaration of works. Details which should be made within a few weeks, while the law will very soon come into force, since it has just been adopted by deputies and senators.