In a meeting or in front of your computer, there is no excuse, you can exercise and here’s how!

Have you been in front of your computer for several hours without moving, does your back hurt? Cramp ? Do you also have a crazy desire to stretch? Problem: you are in an open space or in a place that does not allow you to do exercises and your pain will continue all day and even into the evening…

However, there are some exercises to do “easily” from your office and even in a meeting room. Be careful, we are not telling you that no one will notice certain exercises, especially for the abs, but these will be more discreet than installing a yoga mat in the middle of the office. Obviously, nothing obliges you to carry out these exercises on the same day, you can do one in the morning and the second in the afternoon to break up your days. Thanks to the Kiwili site, here is a little tutorial.