Ten years ago, the three Miesbach football club have been sacrificed because of their hard court for the settlement of the supermarkets, Aldi and Rewe in the Northern industrial area. The promised replacement had to wait – the city had no grounds. Now the project is tackled – including new flood lighting system.

The idea, there are already some time: The SV Miesbach and the SV Parsberg want to build on the site of the former FC Miesbach, which has risen after the merger with the ASV Miesbach in SV, an artificial turf field. The aim is to offer the players a place on which to winter weather and played can be trained, even if real grass pitches to be locked.

But that has cost its price: 560 000 Euro of the artificial turf. It was affordable, said SV-Chairman Stefan Gries Beck, sitting for the CSU in the city Council, on Thursday evening, his fellow councillors. Foundation is the reserve of the city of about 247 000 Euro, which was at the time of the sale of the hard court area in favor of the settlement of Aldi and Rewe set aside. At the time, the three clubs – SV Parsberg, FC Miesbach and ASV Miesbach had to the hard court to 30. June 2009 spaces. The city promised to find a replacement for it, but it was missing on the site. Now, through the merger of FC and ASV, is a place.

The gap of 313 000 Euro to the sports Association includes by help from the outside. As reported, has initiated the SV is a component of action Gorabet among the members to generate donations for the new place. In addition, around 100 000 Euro as a grant from the Bavarian state sports Association. The lack of money to get together, had been the SV Miesbach very active, praised the mayor Ingrid Pongratz (CSU) in the session. The Association also asked in the case of foundations, whether they can imagine a financial support. With success: The Hubertus-Altgelt Foundation was added 75 000, the Beisheim-Stiftung 50 000 Euro. In addition, there were “many donations” from Miesbach’s business world.

But that is not the only investment, the plans of the SV. “Unplanned, but not more delay,” as Gries Beck reported, in addition to the upgrading of the floodlighting systems of three football pitches on the LED. The 25-year-old mercury-vapor spotlights fall out often and put a strain on the Club coffers due to high power consumption and defective lamps a year, with 5000 Euro.

Around 60 000 euros, a new flood will cost the light plant is expected to be, estimates Griesbeck. Therefore, the Association submitted a further grant application is about 15 000 euros to the municipality. A further 15 000 euros, the SV of state funding hoped for. The remainder of the funding hole in the amount of 30 000 Euro, want to close the sports club. According to Gries Beck, it is planned, among other things, the art of lawn to lease space to other clubs.

The city Council approved both requests unanimously and praised the work of the SV. Construction is scheduled to start in the spring of 2019. In addition, griesbeck announced that the member will rise to a contribution to the SV-footballer due to the investment of one Euro per month: “We believe that this is reasonable. More we do not want to require with a view to our social responsibility.“
