This Tuesday, December 5, ANSES (National Agency for Health and Food Safety) published a toxicovigilance report in which it warns of the risks of an insecticide against bedbugs

ANSES is issuing an alert on the insecticide “Sniper 1000 EC DDVP” used to combat bedbugs and cockroaches. In this report published this Tuesday, ANSES specifies that “Sniper 1000 EC DDVP”, containing dichlorvos, has been banned in France since 2013 due to its significant toxicity. Despite this ban, the Poison Control Centers and ANSES have recorded 163 cases of poisoning between January 2018 and June 2023, as indicated on the Agency’s website.

The increase in cases of poisoning recorded is explained, according to ANSES, by the increase in bedbug infestations which have occurred in recent years. In a report published in July, the Agency estimates that “11% of French households were infested by bedbugs between 2017 and 2022.” However, ANSES adds that the majority of reported cases were not serious forms, but that “nearly 10% were of medium severity and 5.5% of severe severity including 3 deaths (accidental or due to ingestion with suicidal intent).”

This toxic product is very dangerous for health, as specified by ANSES on its website which describes it as a substance “fatal by inhalation and toxic by contact with the skin or by ingestion”. This substance can cause various symptoms, notably respiratory symptoms of the asthmatic type, but it can also be the cause of neurological disorders which can cause loss of consciousness as well as eye disorders and skin allergies. The Agency also specifies that this insecticide is very harmful to aquatic organisms.

This insecticide, banned in France since 2013, is mainly brought from abroad, beyond the borders of the European Union where it is also banned. ANSES indicates that it can be found under the names “SNIPER 1000 EC DDVP® or SHOOTER 1000 EC DDVP®”. This product can therefore be found illegally on markets and in bazaars but also on “e-commerce platforms or via advertisements from individuals on social networks”, specifies the Agency. In order to combat the illegal presence of this insecticide, the General Directorate for Competition, Consumption and Fraud Repression (DGCCRF) is responsible for carrying out checks throughout the territory in order to ensure the conformity of substances available to consumers.