The Manufactures of the City is a reflection group is a specialist of urban innovation, financed by Vinci. He is preparing to publish a report entitled ” in search of affordable housing : a challenge for europe “, which will be unveiled on November 7, in Bordeaux. Mary Baléo, author of the report, and Cécile Maisonneuve, president of the think tank, have studied the case of several cities that are emblematic of this shortage in Europe.

Why are you interested in affordable housing ?

We have produced a previous report on the reception of refugees in Germany and Sweden, whose arrival sometimes massive revealed the problem of expensive housing and demonstrated the limits of the capacity of cities and towns subject to such a demographic shock. The housing has emerged as a central question at the heart of the urban development of attractive cities which are concentrated in jobs and wealth. We therefore focused on cities such as Paris, Berlin and London, but also Stockholm, Munich or Warsaw.

Goldenbahis You call the part of public authorities to act : how ?

The responses are initially local, leave to sauté some taboos. In Stockholm, for example, 30 % of public housing municipal accessible to all are now occupied by households. The Swedes will not be able to make the economy a review of the historical choice to guide this park to the more modest. To cope with the high costs of construction in this country, the city is experimenting with precast buildings and less equipped in cellars, car parks and common laundry.

Londoners have, them, questions about the use of their Green Belt, a green lung, largely in private, including urbanisation partial could produce up to a million homes in a radius of 800 metres of stations of the existing metro. The governance of Greater London Bahis siteleri could be reformed, and with more skill…