If the anger of farmers seems to be calming down, the National Rally intends to continue its operation to seduce the agricultural world, with the 2024 Europeans in its sights.

“As usual, it is at the edge of the abyss that they (partially) take back our measures, after having insulted us.” These words are those of the president of the National Rally, published in a tweet Thursday February 1. After ten days of mobilization, most of the farmers withdrew their base camp with a view to returning home. The political crisis is gradually dying down. And while some however promise a transformation of the movement, refusing a total halt, Jordan Bardella, like many others in the National Rally, no longer hesitates to publicly congratulate himself on having won an ideological victory.

According to information from RTL, those close to Jordan Bardella are currently putting together a video compiling nothing more and nothing less than the moments when Gabriel Attal, according to them, took up expressions or themes from the RN. If the party founded by Jean-Marie Le Pen is trying to ride the wave today, clearly taking ownership of the end of the crisis, the context is not completely unrelated. In a few months the European elections will be held. Election for which Jordan Bardella had initially decided to make the fight against punitive ecology a more than crucial axis of his campaign, while defending a “French agricultural exception”. This was without taking into account the intervention of Gabriel Attal, designated since his arrival at Matignon by many observers as Emmanuel Macron’s anti-Bardella weapon, particularly with a view to Europeans.

Between flexibility on pesticides, the government’s slowdown on free trade treaties and the reduction on GNR (non-road diesel), the Prime Minister pulled the rug out from under the National Rally. Never mind ! The RN has not yet said its last word. While, from the start of the farmers’ crisis, the National Rally, like any good self-respecting political opponent, positioned itself in favor of the protesters – as evidenced in particular by the images of Jordan Bardella, boots on his feet, ‘speaking in a stable -, BFMTV affirms that, Saturday February 3 and Sunday February 4, the far-right party intends to organize two days of mobilization in the four corners of France on the agricultural issue. This will notably be an opportunity to massively disseminate Jordan Bardella’s letter addressed to farmers, published on January 29, and to paste, almost everywhere, the new campaign poster of the president of the RN which supports “rurality”, always with in the viewfinder, the European elections.