The name of the defence of the French language, nine deputies propose this law as a reaction to the use of writing inclusive of new councillors EELV.

Prohibit writing inclusive to the elect ? This is what want to do nine mps, including a majority of the elected representatives of the national Gathering, in the name of “defence of the French language”. The proposed text of the law was registered on the 28th of July last to the national Assembly.

A proposed law that aims “to prohibit the use of writing inclusive of any public or private legal entity benefiting from a grant of the public.”

“This proposal of law aims to preserve the French language attacks that are brought, particularly through the writing inclusive,” said LCI the mp RN Northern Sébastien Chenu, for which, it is necessary to defend “the French language as a cultural heritage, but also as the cement of republican”.

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READ ALSO >> “The French language is itself a psychodrama”

In the viewfinder of Sébastien Chenu, Ludovic Pajot, Nicolas Meizonnet, Marine Le Pen, Bruno Bilde, Agnes Thill and Joachim Her-Forget (ex-LREM), Emmanuelle Ménard and Marie-France Lorho, new mayors EELV freshly elected and who practice writing inclusive in their official press releases. This is particularly the case in Lyon, reminiscent of LCI.

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Sébastien Chenu was, on the 28th of July, already expressed its aversion to use of this writing technique which aims to include the feminine gender to combat gender stereotypes. On RMC, he was then referred to the mayors EELV of “crazy”. “Their action was the signal that he had to react”, he adds LCI.