Recipients of active solidarity income must now have to prove a minimum of activity to try to find a job.

Having to show credentials and a real motivation to find work: this will now be the sine qua none condition to benefit, at least, from the €607.75 paid by the State as part of the Active Solidarity Income. In order for the payment to continue every month, the beneficiaries are subject to certain obligations (in 47 departments), since the vote by the National Assembly of the new law known as “Full employment” providing a little more framework for the regulations on granting of RSA.

People who live on these few hundred euros will have to accumulate 15 hours of activities each week. The list has, in part, been included in legislation. This is in no way a question of going to work cheaply. It provides:

However, the list is not exhaustive. “The activities can be of very diverse nature depending on the situation of the person, their possible difficulties and their professional or social integration objectives,” indicates the government.

It should be noted, however, that certain people will be exempt from these activities, mainly those whose personal situation is complex (single parent, disability, etc.), as well as those who have already taken steps with integration through economic activity (IAE ).