a farewell to Hartz IV and a basic pension, as from the coalition agreement not covered: The SPD will points to the choice of the people again. Leading politicians of CDU and CSU, have criticised the planned realignment of the SPD, sharp.

8.20 PM: , The CSU Chairman, Markus Söder, has described the plans of the SPD for a basic pension as “not financially viable”. In addition, these proposals were not covered by the coalition agreement, said Söder the “picture on Sunday”. “We are negotiating a new coalition agreement. Of course we talk to each other, but there must be no ideological shift to the left of the government.“ Especially there is a need for a means test, so that benefits come and ask specifically where they would be needed. For further action within the Federal government, Söder suggested: “With the basic pension is to deal with the pension Commission, and there in peace to discuss it. We will not make any übereiligen decisions at the pension.“

Update from 10. February 2019, 6.32 PM: the Leading politicians of the CDU and CSU criticized the planned realignment of the SPD sharp, and a departure from the coalition agreement accused. “The SPD is planning the funeral of a social market economy,” said the CDU Deputy Chairman Volker Bouffier, the Newspapers of the Funke media group. “With your desire to win back voters, she decided on a tight links course.”

Reform of the labour market, the Hartz IV and financial benefits for children: examination of the SPD party leadership

of The SPD Board of management, with a comprehensive package for Reform of the labour market of Hartz IV and the financial benefits for children, the left profile of the party, sharpen, and from the continuing survey ends out deep again. The party leadership come together on this Sunday afternoon (14.00 clock) in the Berlin Willy-Brandt-house to a two-day exam.

due to the survey lows is under pressure party leader Andrea Nahles wants to reach the turn with the concept of a trend – it is the most comprehensive outcome of the renewal process. Another topic will be on Monday the upcoming European election campaign.

criticism of the plans: “the SPD disenchanted fully”

Bouffier said: “The SPD can not take responsibility in the Federal government and at the same time every day to make suggestions that are in this coalition. The SPD disenchanted completely.“ And: “The whole country will suffer if the wants to settle a government partner of the base line of the coalition agreement and in the other direction of the race.”

Bouffier referred to as Söder on the plans of the Minister of labour of healing, for many years contributor to the agreed value of the basic pension above the basic security – regardless of a need. In the coalition agreement of the CDU and the SPD, a means test had been agreed, but expressly as a condition.

Söder said: “The Grand coalition should govern in this year together and are not mainly engaged in the election campaign.” He suggested to discuss the basic pension the pension Commission is “at rest” – that does not want to healing.

Positive feedback: Question in favour of the SPD’s Nahles‘ social state concept

Berlin – the SPD Leader Andrea Nahles with broad support from within its own ranks in the on Sunday the beginning of the end of the Board exam. Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) stood behind their plans for a Reform of the welfare state. Party Vice-Malu Dreyer said: “We have good arguments to explain to people better why the SPD is needed.” The former party chief Sigmar Gabriel demanded that the SPD must “want to operate as a good social policy”.

Scholz told the süddeutsche Zeitung at the weekend, it was the SPD, which holds the welfare state “at the height of the time”. And because the time have changed, suggest the SPD for a good 15 years after the most recent fundamental reforms now, “once again, the modernisation of the welfare state”.

The changing world of work by technical progress and globalization should not go with less security. “This is not a law of nature,” said Scholz. He thought, therefore, about “improvements in the duration of unemployment”.

the concept for The Reform, to consult on the SPD Executive Board meeting, sees a citizen’s income instead of the current Hartz IV, longer unemployment benefit I, as well as a children’s basic security.

Who no longer pays into the unemployment insurance should also receive longer-ALG I. Regardless of the age of the claim period is expected to increase at a minimum of 20 years contribution period for a further three months, from 25 years to six months and 30 years to nine months. So far, the maximum duration for the unemployment benefit I for people under 50 years of age is twelve months.

in Addition, the SPD wants to introduce a claim for qualification, the unemployment benefit Q. In the planned children’s basic security will be led to the children’s allowance, the child allowance, the education and participation package and any Hartz IV payments.

In the Wake of the new citizens ‘ money, the SPD wants to introduce a right to work, in addition, the current Hartz-IV are to be eased sanctions.

“The Central pillar of the welfare state”

Dreyer said the newspaper “the world” by Saturday, and training should be to a “new Central pillar of the welfare state”. Workers could cope with the upcoming structural change when the social state of the training, to give appropriate priority. The unemployment insurance had to be changed. They reiterated the call for a minimum wage of twelve dollars. This amount was also brought to Scholz into the conversation.

With a view to critical Comments by former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and Ex-party leader Gabriel, in the direction of Nahles said Dreyer: “There is currently, in fact, individual voices, the sparks between them, while we draw mostly together on a line.” For specific comments “is missing the understanding”. Staff debates had “no sense”. Schröder had to certify Nahles recently, the “Amateur mistake” and for a return of Gabriel to the party leadership.

Gabriel warned his party, meanwhile, once again, to strengthen its own economic competence. The SPD should not be on the theme of social reduce, he said, the “Augsburger Allgemeine” from Saturday. “We want to be more than of the works Council of the Nation.”