When you buy an avocado, it’s the lottery. Sometimes too ripe, sometimes not ripe enough! If you come across an avocado that’s too hard, here’s how to ripen it.

Very appreciated, especially by those who like to eat healthy, but also fans of avocado toast or guacamole, avocados however have a major disadvantage, that of being rarely ripe when you buy them in the supermarket. If you’re tired of buying inedible avocados that never ripen, here are the best tips to make them ripen faster and avoid having to throw them away. Thanks to these techniques, you will be able to enjoy good avocado shrimp salads and guacamole all year round.

What a strange idea to heat a fruit that we tend to eat cold in salads. And yet, this technique is really effective for obtaining a ripe avocado very quickly. There are several methods for this:

Simply insert one or two toothpicks into each end of the fruit. In just 24 hours it will be perfectly ripe. There’s nothing scientific about this technique, of course, but it’s worth a try!

The most effective tip but a little longer

To ripen your avocado in a few days, you can wrap it in newspaper. How it works ? The avocado is a fruit that produces a gas, ethylene, which promotes its ripening. By wrapping the fruit in newspaper, the gas will not escape, and the avocado will ripen more quickly. Another solution is to place it near bananas or apples, fruits which also release ethylene. For even more effectiveness, place your avocado in a plastic bag with an apple and/or a banana.