Update from the 24. October 2018: A 79-year-old taxi driver drove of Zangberg in the direction of Ampfing. Due to a driving error, the driver went too far to the oncoming lane and crashed into the oncoming car in which a family of six sat. The police informed.

Four children were seriously injured by the accident easily and to a hospital. According to police, a damage of a total of 14,000 euros.

the Taxi-crash: cars collide, Several injured

Zang mountain – An accident occurred on Tuesday evening in zangberg. At the height of the Entrance from the direction of Ampfing two vehicles, according to initial findings, collided – one of them was a Taxi, reported innsalzach24.de*. The fire-Zang mountain was called against 19.15 to Ampfinger street at the height of the sports field.

+ Taxi Fenomenbet at the scene of the accident.© fib deneme bonusu photo dining Winfried media reports: children among the injured

In the other vehicle should have several people found. According to yet unconfirmed data, seven people have been investigated, including four children. The details of the injured persons is not currently known. The CRPD was alarmed.

+ The car in which several persons were sitting. Including children.© fib photo dining Winfried

The Freiwillige Feuerwehr Zang mountain lit up the scene of the accident and the traffic on one side of the scene of the accident passed. A strip of the crew of the police inspection Mühldorf has recorded the accident.


*innsalzach24.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.