packages containing explosive devices were sent in recent days to several american personalities, who have in common an opposition displayed or supposed to be Donald Trump. The case started on Monday with a package sent to the home of the billionaire George Soros, a democrat known to become a target of nationalists, american and european, followed on Tuesday and Wednesday of the interception of other packages explosives, addressed respectively to the ex-secretary of State, democrat Hillary Clinton, who resides in the suburbs of New York, and ex-democratic president Barack Obama, who lives in Washington.

Shortly after, the news channel CNN, often denounced by Donald Trump, who accused him of criticizing systematically his presidency, evacuated its offices in new york after the discovery of a suspicious package addressed to John Brennan, former director of the CIA and now a commentator on CNN. In total, there are nine of these similar packages, wrapped in a padded envelope in kraft and bearing an address printed out by the computer. All gave as the sender the name (written with spelling mistakes) of the ex-leader of the democratic national Committee, Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Here is the list of the persons referred to.

Robert De Niro : the actor is one of the american artists most tucked up against the republican president. During the ceremony of the Tony Awards, the rewards of Broadway, last June in New York, he issued a resounding ” fuck Trump “. Joe Biden : the former vice-president of Barack Obama is regularly mentioned as a possible democratic candidate for the presidential election of 2020. Donald Trump has called “crazy” and ” weak mentally and physically “. John Brennan : this former head of the CIA, from 2013 to 2017, has been very critical of Donald Trump, which was revoked in August, the empowerment secret defense of this former close adviser Deneme bonusu of Barack Obama. It sometimes appears on CNN, the new york office which has been sent to the package possibly trapped. Hillary Clinton : the former secretary of State of Barack Obama Hilbet was the candidate a democrat opposed to Donald Trump in the presidential election of 2016. His opponent republican has since dressed up the nickname ” the baddie “. “It is a period of disturbance, a period of deep divisions, and we must do what we can to unite us together “, she responded from Florida. Barack Obama : the former democratic president is frequently criticized by his successor in the White House, but the animosity between the two men dates back to well before the entry into politics of Donald Trump. The ex-man business has long argued that Mr. Obama was not born in the United States. In return, Barack Obama is openly mocked Donald Trump in 2011 during a famous dinner to correspondents at the White House. Eric Holder : lawyer democrat was the first Black to occupy the post of american minister of Justice, under the first term and a part of the second term of Barack Obama. Maxine Waters : congresswoman black, a democrat from California, was criticized in June by the republicans after calling for the Americans to confront and harass the members of the government Trump in all public places. Donald Trump was treated as ” mad ” in multiple tweets. Debbie Wasserman Schultz : the former president of the national committee of the democratic Party, close to Hillary Clinton, appears as the sender on the suspicious packages. The representative of Florida, jewish, has long been the target of fringe, anti-semitic of the extreme american right. Mr. Trump has used about the following expressions : “highly neurotic” and ” over-hyped “. George Soros : the financial is a big donor democrat. He has recently been accused by Donald Trump to have supported activists protesting against the court’s conservative that the president had appointed to the supreme Court. The billionaire jewish, of Hungarian origin, has become the target of complotistes and nationalists in Europe and the United States. Conservatives have accused George Soros has provided financial support for thousands of central American migrants who intend to enter the United States.

Read also suspicious Packages : Trump as a fireman pyromaniac ?

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