A student was always hearing strange noises from her closet. When she checked, finally, she could not believe their eyes.

Maddie, a student at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, was surprised on a number of Occasions that belongings showed up in your apartment somewhere else, when they were filed, or just completely disappeared. However, in addition to the missing items, noises from the wardrobe, you feel really queasy.

student hears a noise in the closet: “So I asked: ‘Is there anyone there?’. And someone answered: ‘I’

First of all, she suspected that it could be a Ghost, or an uninvited animal guest: “It sounded like a raccoon in the closet,” said the student news portal Fox 8. “ So I asked: ‘Is there anyone there?’. And someone replied: ‘I do.’ Then he said: ‘Oh, my Name is Drew.’ I opened the door and then he sat there, and wore all of my clothes .”

Actually it was a strange man named Andrew Swofford in your wardrobe domesticated . Maddie called her friend and drew the intruder in the meantime: “He has tried on my hat. He went to the bathroom, looked at herself in the mirror and then said: ‘You’re really pretty, can I hug you?’. But he did not touch me.”

interesting : a woman monitors with camera for your front door – because she sees creepy appearance.

When her friend arrived, disappeared Swofford. Shortly thereafter, he was taken by the police at a gas station without resistance , such as the policeman Ronald Glenn told the Online site Buzzfeed News. The intruder to be accused of mesh burglary, identity theft, theft, and other Fraud. Apparently, he has become due to earlier Offenses is striking.

student finds man in the closet, and could not for the first Time uninvited visit

How to Swofford in the student’s apartment boarding is quite clear. The doors were always locked, how is the student insured, and there were no signs of breaking and entering . The house administration is, according to Buzzfeed News that the man broke in through the window .

The student and her roommate have, however, enough: in December, the two women, found two strange men in her living room and could then change the locks. Now the student search for inside a different place to Stay.

poll: Have you had experience with burglars?

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