If back to school is always a hectic period, as much as it moves for sporting reasons! Tips, best practices, advice, here are the keys to starting a new activity in September.

When the holidays are over and it’s time to go back to school, it’s a whole organization that has to get back in place. Between the different schedules to be combined, work, school, activities and everyday life, our weeks quickly start to look like puzzles. Considering starting a new sport does not appear to be a priority.

However, in September, many of us want to change our habits, want to feel better, fitter, more relaxed for the rest of the year. Reconnect with simple and pleasant things, good for our body as well as our mind. In this, sport is certainly the most complete field, allowing you to do good as well as to reveal yourself to yourself. And this, without leaving all our budget there.

Freedom, sportiness and low budget

We often hear that embarking on a new sporting activity would be expensive. What if we broke down prejudices with Decathlon? Let’s take the example of One Wall to prove that you can start any sport with a small budget, regardless of age. As it’s never too early or too late to get started, the youngest can learn about the joys of sport with a simple €2 ball from Decathlon and a wall (in your garden or in the park). The example of dance works just as well: a pair of demi-pointes, resistant and perfect for learning, is available from 13€. Rather judo? The junior kimono, ideal for making your debut on the tatami is also at 13€. If your equipment needs are more complete, Decathlon allows you to pay in four instalments free of charge from €100 of purchases. It is even possible to rent the equipment, if you change your mind, you are free to test any sport and follow your desires. Without forgetting that you can have your old equipment taken back or resell it very simply by estimating the price on decathlon.fr. A simple way to build up an envelope conducive to the acquisition of new equipment that is more recent or better suited to your current practice. Finally, it is always possible to have your equipment repaired if it shows signs of weakness. A good solution for not letting your bike sleep in the garage or recycling your weight bench into a drying rack!

Take the leap back to school

To support a return to school under the sign of sport, the government has also launched its Pass’sport, a €50 aid aimed at financing a club activity for the youngest, all the information of which is available on the sport.gouv site. An excellent solution allowing, here again, to reduce our expenses while benefiting from the multiple beneficial effects of a sporting activity.

If you are still hesitating, Decathlon is launching the 28th edition of Vitalsport in September, a free event open to everyone to discover dozens of different sports with family or friends. Horse riding, golf, diving, archery… the event site reveals all the information on Vitalsport in the different regions. Between 10 and 40 sports are offered to try out to help you find the ideal activity thanks to qualified educators. The opportunity also to meet the association, league or club of his region before registering and practicing. And then, as nothing is fixed, there is no reason not to change during the year for another sport that would have tempted us, and always on a low budget!