MACRON. The Head of State must speak between this Tuesday July 18 and Saturday July 22, 2023. Having already confirmed his Prime Minister, he should make a new assessment and draw some axes in a solemn speech.

It is probably far too affirmative to write that the French are waiting for Emmanuel Macron to speak, but the meeting had been fixed. It’s hard to think that public opinion is hanging on to his speech, but inevitably, the Head of State’s promise to “take a first assessment” of the “100 days” is in some minds.

Especially since Emannuel Macron had spoken of “appeasement, unity, ambition and action”. The Head of State seems rather satisfied with the action taken over the past three months by the executive, he announced by press release that Elizabeth Borne remained in office. And a solemn speech arrives. But when ?

Emmanuel Macron does not intend to remain silent for very long. According to information from Le Monde, the President of the Republic could speak before his departure for Oceania, this Sunday, July 23. An agenda that makes sense since it corresponds to the calendar of the end of the “hundred days of appeasement” and sticks with the end of the parliamentary session marked by the pension reform. The opportunity to turn a new page before the summer break to start the new school year on new bases.

In addition to the date, it is also the format that the Head of State will choose to express himself who questions. Should we expect a solemn speech akin to the traditional July 14 exercise? Or rather an interview? If this second option is chosen, the question of the media arises: will the Head of State go to the TV news sets or will he prefer the written press? In the past, Emmanuel Macron has already given the scoop to the regional press, in particular during his big interview with regional titles in June 2022.

Does a speech supposed to take stock of the past year and draw up Elisabeth Borne’s new roadmap after a period of calm still have any meaning in view of the last days of June shaken by violence? Especially since a resumption of violence in the course of the summer is feared by the authorities. “If the president speaks and afterwards it blows up again, we look a bit like idiots,” a Macronist deputy had whispered to BFMTV.

The Head of State could play the card of pragmatism, concrete developments, discuss the changes to the RSA, the launch of France Travail to replace Pôle emploi, the green industry bill, the 13 billion euros in investments promised by bosses in Versailles, the plan to fight against social and tax fraud, the bill to reform justice or even that concerning immigration.

But it is on one main point that he remains expected: what words will the Head of State have to speak of the conflagrations that followed the Nahel affair?

Could Emmanuel Macron’s late speech come with announcements or a cabinet reshuffle? The renewal of the government team does not seem to be one of the priorities, according to a committee chairman at the Assembly with L’Opinion, “for the average Frenchman, changing ministers who do not print, this really isn’t the point.”

Elizabeth Borne, however, has in her missions for the week to propose “adjustments” to the president. According to Le Monde, the Prime Minister has “begun to contact certain ministers to tell them whether or not they will remain in the government”.

On the other hand, after the exchanges of Emmanuel Macron with the presidents of the National Assembly and the Senate and with the mayors, as well as those of Elisabeth Borne with the parliamentarians, could proposals be put on paper by there ? The idea “that at the first offense, we manage to financially and easily sanction the families”, formulated by Emmanuel Macron, will it have succeeded? A trend emerges however: if there were to be decisions, they would lean in favor of the sovereign and order, and not of a new multi-million check for the districts.