minimum wage. Employees paid the Smic should pocket a net gain of around thirty euros from May 1, 2023. An increase of more than 2%.
[Updated May 1, 2023 07:05] Due to inflation, the minimum growth wage amount will increase again. From this Monday, May 1, 2023, it climbs by 2.22% to reach 1,383 euros net. In other words, a gain of 30 euros per month. This automatic revaluation also allows the gross minimum wage to increase from 1,709 euros to 1,747 euros. For its part, the amount of the hourly gross minimum wage will drop from 11.27 euros to 11.52 euros. Be aware that an employer can be fined 1,500 euros if he pays the employee a remuneration lower than the Smic, as well as damages.
On the basis of a full-time job, 35 hours per week, an employee with the minimum wage earns 1,747 euros gross and 1,383 euros net (after compulsory deductions), for a net gain of 30 euros each month compared to January 2023, since Sunday, January 1, 2023. Here are all the minimum wage amounts to know at the start of the year:
The amount of the monthly net minimum wage has been set at 1,383 euros since May 1, 2023, compared to 1,353.07 euros at the start of January 2023, the date of the last revaluation. As a reminder, here is the evolution of the amount of the net monthly minimum wage in recent years:
Since May 1, 2023, the gross monthly minimum wage has reached 1,747 euros per month on the basis of 35 hours per week. As an indication, here is the evolution of the amount of the minimum wage since 2010:
The amount of the net hourly minimum wage is extremely variable. Keep in mind that the amount may vary from one payslip to another, due to the amount of social security contributions deducted from the gross hourly minimum wage. Since May 1, 2023, the amount of the net hourly minimum wage is approximately 9.11 euros.
The amount of the gross hourly minimum wage has been 11.50 euros since May 1, 2023, compared to 11.27 euros on January 1, 2023. As a reminder, the amount of the gross hourly minimum wage, in recent years, was set at:
The hourly rate of the Smic corresponds to the legal minimum hourly wage that the employee must receive. Deductions are however applicable in certain cases (apprentices and employees under the age of 18). This is the amount paid for one hour of work. The monthly minimum wage is calculated on the basis of 35 hours per week.
The amount of the annual Smic is obtained by multiplying the amount of the monthly Smic (above) by the number of months of the year, i.e. 12. Please note, if you benefit from a 13th month paid to your employer, this is not part of the calculation of the annual minimum wage. Referring to the new amount of the Smic 2023 valid since May 1, 2023, the net annual Smic amounts to 16,595 euros (1,383 x 12). For its part, the gross annual minimum wage climbs to 20,916 euros (1,743 x 12).