The distancing between students “is no longer mandatory when it is not practicable or that it does not accommodate all of the students.”

Without communicating on the subject, the ministry of national Education has made available online on Wednesday a new version of the health protocol in schools, “which should be the last before the return to”, said rue de Grenelle to the World.

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The idea is to strive for a relaxation of the rules, following the recommendations of the High council of public Health. In practice, this means not distancing imposed between students. “In closed spaces (…) the separation physical is not mandatory when it is not practicable or that it does not accommodate all of the students,” says the document of seven pages.

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The mask is compulsory for the students of 11 years in inside and outside, “when the distance of one meter can not be guaranteed”. This new version of the health protocol free in contrast of mask-wearing kindergarten teachers. The teachers of elementary schools, colleges, and high schools will display, unless a distance of at least one metre away from the students.

Masks for students

the Other big change compared to the previous back to school post-confinement, access to games, benches and public spaces and the exterior will now be authorized, with “the provision of shared objects within the same class or the same group set up (balloons, toys, books, games, newspapers, leaflets, reusable, pencils, etc)”.

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in addition, the ministry of higher Education has also unveiled Thursday a new protocol, “more flexible”, which must allow the return of students. Wearing a mask will be mandatory in cases where the rules of detachment – a metre between each student, or to a vacant seat in the closed spaces – will not be met and, “in all circumstances”, within the libraries.