Alongside the farmers’ crisis, the main teachers’ unions have called a strike this Thursday, February 1, 2024. The FSU-SNUipp is counting on “an average of 40% of strikers in the territory”.

Baptism of fire for Gabriel Attal this week. While the government has been bogged down for 10 days in the farmers’ crisis, unsuccessfully multiplying announcements and meetings with unions, other sectors seem to follow suit. On Monday, several taxi snail operations were organized in different large cities. This Thursday, February 1, 2024, it is the main teaching unions that are calling for mobilization. The strikers intend to denounce the working conditions as well as the salaries.

From Lille to Marseille, via Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Strasbourg and Toulouse, numerous processions will set off throughout the day. In the capital, demonstrators met at 2 p.m. They will leave Luxembourg, in the 6th arrondissement, heading to the Ministry of National Education, located in the 7th. While school teachers must send their declaration of intention to strike 48 hours before the mobilization, the main union of primary school teachers, FSU-SNUipp, was able to estimate the rate on Tuesday at around 40%. of striking teachers in France on February 1. And to detail in his press release: “With 65% of strikers in Paris, more than 50% in Val-de-Marne, Drôme, Ardèche or even in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, the mobilization is very followed in certain departments .”

Although it seems certain that many teachers and secondary schools will join the movement, we will have to wait a little longer to find out more, as the exact number of strikers will only be known this Thursday. FSU, CGT, FO, SUD-Education, Unsa-Education, SGEN-CFDT, the vast majority of teaching unions have in any case called for mobilization.

Faced with a “deaf” government, the FSU-SNUipp indicates in its press release that it specifically wants to warn about “the suffering at work as well as the lack of recognition, particularly in terms of pay” and the “working conditions, for staff, and of learning, for students, [who] have deteriorated.” In a press release from the inter-union made up of the Sud education, Unsa education, FSU, Sgen-CFDT and CGT education federations, the demands are more precise: “We demand in particular emergency measures: unrequited revaluation of staff articulated around immediate measures and a multi-year programming law, abandonment of the Pact, creation of a category B civil servant status for AESH and improvement of working conditions, in particular by reducing class numbers and a multi-year recruitment plan. “

Some teachers also point to the reforms announced by the Ministry of National Education in October. “The clash of knowledge proposed by Gabriel Attal is unrealizable. And then, we have a great loss of educational freedom with the fact of imposing on us ready-made methods which do not take our situation into account”, believes in particular a French teacher and of history-geography of Besançon, interviewed by France 3. And to continue: “The level groups in mathematics and French in middle school are an aberration. It will be to the detriment of the students. Putting the good ones with the good ones good and bad with bad, it never amounted to anything.”

The recent appointment of Amélie Oudéa-Castéra to the Ministry of National Education is also criticized by the unions, who deplore the various blunders committed by the new minister. Shortly after her appointment, she notably justified the schooling of her children in the private sector by deploring the “packages of hours which were not seriously replaced” in the public sector.